my nomination for most ridiculous 2 week span
Ages ago, when i was little and wanted to be a famous movie director/producer i used to come up with ridiculous stories to tell David Letterman when i finally got the chance to go on his show. I believed for ages that i would get married 7 least one of those times would be a Vegas Drive-thru wedding with Elvis officiating. The idea was tacky and fantastic in my mind. And trully only became a non-idea after the whole Britney and that Jason guy did it...rendering it forever stupid and unoriginal in the minds of ALL Americans. So Britney got married for a few hours, and I had to come up with a new "true" but ridiculous anecdote.
Maybe in hindsight the last two weeks will prove to be the perfect ridiculous story. Okay, so flashing back to the car world is suddenly turned upside down, yet again. I have no vehicle and no plans to get a new one. I have a fantastic neck brace...and with a few hours of Physical Therapy from a witch doctor/kinesiologist (thanks M and R for teaching me about that word) I am now relatively pain free and getting some extra cash from the insurance company for "pain and suffering". Of course in the same week, I managed to break my bike (the brakes are soldered shut with rust...and I am too over the system to have to take it to a repair shop to get it fixed.) break my digital camera (at the charity ball, I dropped it and it shattered) was told that under NO circumstance would I be allowed to Rollerblade or Skateboard to school (they could not give me a reason other than, DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.) Found out my supervisor at the board of education (aka my "boss") had committed Identity fraud with my bank account, and had signed off on automatic withdrawal from my account for bills for his buddy's company...(no, i didn't approve it...and yes, he thought i was a dumb foreigner girl who would never realize he had done it...and no there was no apology nor any sort of reprimanding from his solution was to take all the money out of my account and move it to a new account, that he does not know about.)
Then things started to look up a bit...My friend P is coming to town to visit, the car insurance company is providing a rental car for 2 weeks, and I have 9 days off of school to putz around and do nothing. Life was looking pretty good....until last night...
i got pulled over by the cops for "running" a blinking red light. I totally paused...and that is more than 85% of the Japanese population would do....but nonetheless...I found myself back in the interrogation room for the 2nd time in 2 weeks. As I sat there for (three hours) with Kiwi-boy my trusty translator (thank goodness he was with me.) I came to the awful realization that I had actually spent more time in Japanese police station interrogation rooms during the past 8 months then I have spent at all of the Japanese historical monuments collectively. I have done quite a fair share of traveling and wandering...But because of the Japanese police forces' open racism toward people outside the Japanese race....I will probably not be able to leave this country...because by now my passport is probably flagged...the truth is that, these people should deport me...but I don't think they will ever let me leave this country, because it seems that I have single handly given the Police force of Rural Japan hours and hours and hours of work....And since people keep telling me that this is a "crime-free" country and the only criminals that are around are "foreigners" I must be enemy of the state Number 1.
The good news is that, although they tried to charge me with a set of phony charges (ranging from not having a proper drivers license...being in the country without the proper paper work....driving without a passport (what?)...) At the end of the night, I got fingerprinted...but luckily not thrown in jail. And my fine is only $70, and upon payment means that it will disappear from life...
So maybe this isn't really Letterman is ridiculous...but not really funny...actually it is just plain sad. Only 89 more days to go....Who knows, maybe i'll just pop on a plane with P and get back to my native land...where I have honestly never seen an interrogation room, outside of TVland.