how hot is hot
Today I had to make an appearance at the kindergarten. It is something i usually do about once a month, and it consists of me playing with the kids for two hours (i.e. they climb on me, and pull me this way and that, and I make faces at them). Anyhow, it was so hot today, they actually turned on the air conditioning in the kindergarten...the whole kindergarten, not just the teacher's room ... which is completely unheard of in Japan. Normally there is no air conditioning anywhere but the teacher's room....So all was good and fine, albeit exhausting at the kindergarten, because i had no idea of the heat. Then I went to lunch at the Junior High School...aka HELL...(and this time I mean it literally)... For lunch we had whole fish (I can now pick the meat off the skin, but still refuse to eat the bones, skin, eyes, etc) soup (did they not get the memo that it was f*ing hot outside) and vinegar veggies (which i recently learned are stored in vinegar, to keep them from they are usually on the verge when the are placed into the picklying state)...who knows, maybe it was the food, or maybe it was the overwhelming heat...all I know, is that when i got up to the teacher's lounge (the JR. High School, refuses to turn on the air conditioning anywhere in the school)....I thought I was going to be nausea, pass out sick...the same syptoms as heatstroke or poisoning. I couldn't stop sweating...and the frozen bottle of water I brought to school managed to melt in 20 minutes (an all time record if you ask me). When i finally got around to check the weather report, I learned that it was 35 degrees out (that's like 104 degrees for you farenheit people)....Why on earth would the school not turn on the air conditioning? Why would they force the kids to continue going to school? I mean the building pretty much just traps the heat inside...
I think the "best" thing I heard today was.."And it's only going to get hotter...." Great. I can hardly wait.