Halloween party
Happy Halloween!! On saturday night, I went into Denver to catch up with an old university friend who was having a Halloween party at her house. Being the new kid in town, I was a bit nervous about showing up all by myself to a party full of people who already knew each other...but I figured, I gotta make friends sometime, so this seemed as good an opportunity as any. Since it was a costume party I dressed up as a gypsy (which meant I just loaded on a bunch of strange clothes and jewels from my travels...no need to buy anything...See I am winning at the "budgetting game".) Anyhow, I walk into the house and it is the scene (on a much smaller scale) from Mean Girls, where Lindsay Lohan shows up for a Halloween party dressed as corpse bride (with lots of clothes on) and all the other girls are dressed super slutty....yep, I didn't get that memo...in Colorado, when you go to a costume party, you have to wear a costume from the adult store (complete with garters)...if only I had known...I would have worn something more appropriate....
Getting past the self-consciousness of being "over-dressed" I did have a really great time. My friend is fantastic and hangs out with some really nice people. And other then the guy who thought I was dressed as Maya Angelou (I don't know, where he got that?) most people just thought I was an unemployed psychic friend (which might be my new lie from now on, when people ask what I used to do.)....I guess the most important thing of that night was that I made a whole bunch of new friends (oh god, am I cheesy!!)