Wherever the road takes me

I have left behind my fabulous friends and life in Hollywood to become an English Teacher in rural Japan. Who knows how long I'll stay here. Who knows what I'll do next. But check here to find out about my latest adventures.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Sports Festival Part 1

So the grandiose Elementary/Junior High School Sports fest will be happening in my town this Sunday. Today, I had to watch practice for 3 hours with the Elementary School. Overall, it was pretty cool...kind of reminded me a bit of Leni Refinstahl's Olympiad....a lot of choreographed dance-like moments. They even did a sychronized-swimming bit...although they were on a field and not in the water....It was all so far removed from my childhood Elementary School sports day...which consisted primarily of all the other Catholic Schools in the area getting together for a giant Track and Field meet (my events were 100 yd dash, 400 relay, and shot putt...hmmm maybe i took up shot putt in Middle School, i can't really remember.) So Japanese sport fests focus primarily on the body's abilities to be flexible and fit, not so much on competitiveness. There are some relay races and such...but for the most part, its like sychronized dancing and calesthetics. I remember sitting out there thinking, the whole thing would be an amazing rotoscoping project, if only I had my equiptment.

The one bad thing about this festival is that it is so freaking hot outside...I mean, in the 1st 20 minutes of practice 6 kids passed out....They were going down like flies...it was insane!!! It reminded me of how much I miss air-conditioning in the work place.

Randomly, I made a kid cry again today...this time it was a 2nd grader...again it was food related...I asked him what kind of fruit he liked...and Bam!!! tears start pouring out...I was like...My God, is this not a sign??? I really must suck at teaching. Okay, I know I'm not that bad at this job...maybe its more like a sign that I have no place in the Food Industry.


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