Wherever the road takes me

I have left behind my fabulous friends and life in Hollywood to become an English Teacher in rural Japan. Who knows how long I'll stay here. Who knows what I'll do next. But check here to find out about my latest adventures.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Sick in SE Asia...

Okay, so the reason I spent soooo much time in KL, was not merely because I had a lot of retail therapy to catch up on (silly people, I have a backpack and can't fit very much into it...I have to be selective.) But also, because I had aquired what I thought to be Traveler's Diarhea (somewhere on the Perhetian Island)...I totally self-diagnosed myself based on the syptoms described in the lonely planet (which is so much more then a guidebook...I feel like it might actually be the key to all life...but that is a whole theory that I might expound on later.) ... I did however fail to recognize the fact that I didn't actually have the key sypmtom (Diarhea)...but was so eager to not have Dysentary (had it when I was 16...never want to have it again...but I was beginning to get paranoid, as my symptoms were reminding me of that time when I was sick and alone in Belgium)...So I used the book to self-medicate. Miraculously, the pharmacies in Malaysia don't actually require a prescription in order to buy prescription drugs...so I find myself getting better (sort of) over 3 days (the book says you will get better immediatly..).

Today, after over a week of being on and off again sick...but a lot healthier then I was when I first arrived in KL (i could barely walk then, as I had stomach cramps so bad, I wanted to cry)... I figured out why I am so sick. I am allergic to MSG...a principle ingrediant in All Asian cooking. (in the US, they rarely use it as many people have this allergy...and in Japan, I tend to only eat Sushi, miso, and western foods...so I never had it there)...So its been years since I had a reaction...and basically, the reaction feels exactly the way I have been feeling...HORRIFIC cramps and general grossness!!!...

So I guess from now on, its me and the granola bars that i brought (and I did pack some Peanut butter, so I won't starve)....I guess the best way to look at this is, that I might miss out on some really great food....but at least I will lose about 15lbs (if i'm lucky:)


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